Wow! Convention always goes so quickly….it's hard to believe it's over already. I flew out of Salt Lake on Saturday evening and went to St. Louis. My kids were staying with their grandparents, so I picked them up and then drove 5 hours back to Indiana. I've spent today unpacking, doing laundry, and going grocery shopping… time for stamping, yet.
I always return from convention inspired, excited, and motivated. I've got tons of samples to share with you and I'm working on several video and written tutorials that you are going to love.
If you follow me on Facebook, you already know that I was not selected for the Artisan Design Team. I'll admit that I was disappointed at first, but surprisingly, that was followed by a huge sense of relief. Weird, huh? I stress out whenever I have to create "on demand". To commit to making at least 4 projects per month for Stampin' Up over the next year was really going to put pressure on me that, let's face it…..I don't need right now. Thank you to everyone that congratulated me on being a finalist. It really meant alot to me.
All of the finalists and Design Team members met up at convention for a swap. These ladies are so amazingly creative and I am just so honored to be among them. And you should see my swaps from this group…..INCREDIBLE!
You'll notice that I'm not smiling in the picture. With the Bell's Palsy, I actually look worse when I smile. Trust me…it's better to not make any expression at all. So if you saw me at convention and I didn't look happy, that is why. I was definitely smiling on the inside.
Here is a picture of my Artisan entries on display at convention. The other finalists and I will be having a blog hop featuring all of our projects in early August, so I'll be able to give you more details about each project soon.
Tomorrow I return to work, but I'll be back on Wednesday to start sharing some of the swap cards that I created for convention. I used many products from the upcoming Holiday mini catalog. If you haven't received a copy and you don't have a Stampin' Up demonstrator, email me and I will send you one. You are going to LOVE all the goodies for the holidays!