Congrats Grad!

  The Stout family is gearing up for a big graduation celebration this weekend.  My oldest son, Chandler, actually graduated mid-term but we decided to wait until Spring to have a party.  Then his ship date for Navy boot camp got moved up several months, so we've had to put a rush on getting everyone …

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Monday Montage 69

Welcome to the Monday Montage blog hop!  Every other Monday, my friends and I share inspiring projects.  Be sure to visit all 10 stops… don't want to miss anything! As I was going through my retiring Designer Series Papers today, I came across the cutest patterns in the Sweet Li'l Things DSP and knew that …

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Flirty Flamingo

There needs to be 3 versions of me to get through the next few weeks.  I'm not really sure I can do it all.  The end of the school year + my son heading off to the Navy + working full-time + new stamps = one stressed out mama!  I decided to escape to my …

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Words of Truth

What a difference a year makes!  Last year at this time, my family was struggling to make it to the end of the school year.  My daughter and her teacher had a bit of a personality clash, there was always an unhealthy amount of homework every evening and on weekends, and most days she would …

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Happy Cinco de Mayo!

 Well, it's here……the 5th of May!  A great holiday that offers us the opportunity to eat Mexican food and drink Margaritas.  It sounds like the perfect celebration to me!  As if I really need an excuse to eat tacos. LOL!   We are featuring celebration cards on the Stylin' Stampin' INKspiration blog today. Check out …

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