Having Fun in Nashville

I am having a blast at Leadership training in Nashville.  On Wednesday, managers & above boarded buses to go to the Wild Horse Saloon.  We enjoyed a great Southern-style meal (pulled pork, beef brisket, mashed potatoes–YUM), and then music from Dave Robbins & Brother Trouble.  They even taught us to line dance!

The saloon had lots of "horses" that I posed with for pictures.  They even had horses upside down on ceiling!  At the end of the night, we received a new stamp set.  Once I get it inked up, I can share some samples.  Here is a quick snapshot of my Night in Nashville:

2011 01 121

On Thursday, there were classes in the morning and a general session in the afternoon with many exciting announcements.  I'm very impressed with all of the changes that Stampin' Up is making for its demonstrators.  I absolutely LOVE this company!!!

I did manage to get in some swapping.  I forgot to take a picture of my swap card before I left home, so you'll just have to forgive the quality of this picture—:0)

Chocolateswap In the evening, we were served a nice sit-down dinner.  Sorry…..I was hungry and didn't stop to take pictures of the food.  It was good in case you were wondering. 

We had a little bit of time before the party in the evening, so we decided to explore the resort.  It is AMAZING and I've only seen a little bit of it.  Every evening, they have a water, music, and light show.  My pictures don't do it justice, so I'll try to upload some video later.IMG_1420 The party kicked off with a challenge to use limited supplies to create cards for the Ronald McDonald house.  Then, as a group, we had to create a card that would be entered into a contest.  Shelly, the co-founder of Stampin' Up will be selecting the winners tomorrow.  I'm not sure what criteria she'll be using, but our card wasn't bad.  Keep your fingers crossed that we win!

Then there were product demonstrations, displays, and shopping!  Two of my stamping buddies even won prizes, so it was a good night. 

Needless to say, I am pooped.  It's time to get a good night's sleep before another day of festivities. 

Happy Stampin'



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