Stamp Club Projects

At stamp club last month, members made these three projects. The first project was the anti-bacterial soap holder inspired by Erica Cerwin.  She has great instructions on her blog on how to make the box.  I used the Owl and Bitty Bat punches to create the vampire bat.  The fangs were cut free-hand and I …

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Craft Fair FAQ

Since I posted my series on craft fairs, I've received a lot of comments and questions looking for more information.  I'm going to answer the most frequently asked questions here, but be sure to read the entire series.  I've received quite a few questions that have been covered fully in previous posts. How much are …

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Rag Quilt Purse Update

It's Wednesday!  My plan for today is to tackle my rag quilt purse orders and prepare the tutorial.  If you ordered a kit at the beginning of the month, I have received your fabric and (keep your fingers crossed) hope to have your kit in the mail by the end of this week.  Woo! Hoo! …

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Holiday Stamp-a-Stack

A downside to being a Doctor of Chiropractic is that you know when something is really wrong with your own body.  A few weeks ago, I started having trouble with my right elbow.  I've had minor problems with it in the past and have jokingly called it "stamper's elbow."  However, this time it was bad …

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And the winner is……

What a fabulous day!  Not only do I get to announce the winner of my craft fair project contest, but I also found out that I won a contest myself!  First, the winner of the craft fair project contest is Erica Cerwin for her adorable antibacterial soap boxes.  When a project inspires me to stalk …

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