New! Sweet Treat Heart Cups!

  I am ready to get back into the swing of things and start blogging again.  The past few months have been so busy, and I've finally found a little time to get some stamping done. It's always hard to get inspired & feel creative, but sketches really help me a lot.  I found this sketch …

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I'm working on updating my site and moving things around a bit. Be patient, I'll be back soon!

November Classes

The Handmade Holiday Gifts class is one of my most popular classes of the year.  Participants will make the 5 gifts you see below.  I'll be sharing more information about these projects in future blog posts in case you are unable to attend.  This class is filling fast, so register today to save your spot. …

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A New Look

I didn't listen to my own warning and spent the whole day playing with My Digital Studio.  The dishes are piled high in the sink, the laundry hasn't been touched, and my project for today did not get finished.  However, I did squeeze in some new blog graphics and I'm sure you've noticed the change.  …

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Going Digital

WARNING:  My Digital Studio may cause you to ignore your family, responsibilities, and personal hygiene.  Perhaps that warning is a little harsh, but I would seriously like to stay in my pajamas for a weekend and do nothing but play around with this program.  I have YEARS & YEARS of digital photos stored on my …

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