Well, I had the best intentions of getting a new video shot and posted today. However, I woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat and the threat of losing my voice. My husband said I should do the video anyway….that my viewers might like my "Barry White" voice. Um, no.
So I decided to whip up some Valentine coupons with My Digital Studio. I plan to slip a coupon in my daughter's lunch box tomorrow, give one to my teenage son, and one to my hubby. The kids will receive "A trip to the ice cream shop". We don't have ice cream often, so they'll see that as a special treat. I might also give them a "movie date with Mom" (or dad) coupon.
I thought my blog readers might like to have some of these coupons for Valentine's Day, too. Click Here to download the pdf file. Simply print them on Whisper White card stock, cut apart, and fill out.
If you use these coupons, I would love for you to leave me a comment about who will be receiving them.
Tomorrow, I'll be announcing my Valentine's Day blog candy winners. There is still time to enter. Read all about it here.