It’s finally going to happen….a class on how to make the rag quilt purse.
I’ll admit that I’ve been a little bit scared to offer this class–mostly because I haven’t sewn anything for 20+ years. So if I can do this, so can you! It is “sew” easy!
You have a choice of 2 fabric styles: Deck the Halls (left) or Candy Cane (right). Please indicate which style you want when you register.
WHEN: Saturday, October 16th
TIME: 2pm–?? (allow 2-3 hours to complete your purse)
WHERE: The Stamp Shack, 118 S. Buckeye Street, Kokomo, IN
COST: $35 per person
You will need to bring the following:
- Sewing machine—nothing fancy. You just have to be able to sew a straight stitch.
- Thread–I recommend white for the candy cane purse and buff or beige for the deck the halls purse.
- Sewing Needle
- Straight Pins
I will provide all of the precut materials, instructions, and various tools needed.
But, I can’t come to your class….
It is sad that you won’t be able to join us. However, you are welcome to order a class kit by mail, just pay for shipping. You’ll receive the supplies to make your purse and I will email the purse instructions to you. I will begin shipping kits by the last week of September—this allows plenty of time for me to receive the order, cut and package all of the supplies.
Any questions? Feel free to email me at